How I host my website on AWS using Domain from

Intro My goal is to host a website that is secure, cheap and can be browsed from both subdomain (with www.) and root domain (without wwww.). I bought my first domain name from GoDaddy and I choose AWS for hosting. Step 1: Purchase my first domain At first, I planned to buy my first domain from AWS but they don’t support .one so I bought from GoDaddy instead. I will need to update its Nameservers records (NS) in GoDaddy console as an extra step compares to buying directly from AWS registra which I don’t have to....

January 29, 2024 · 9 min · Nhat Vo

Using Terraform to build AWS network infrastructure and deploy resources

1. Source Code 2. What the code does 2.1. create-resource.yml configure aws credential verify aws credential verify aws s3 permission create s3 bucket for terraform backend copy file from GH to runner verify terraform file terraform init -> apply 2.2 destroy-resource.yml configure aws credential copy file from GH to runner verify terraform file terraform init -> destroy empty s3 backend bucket delete-bucket 2.3 configure s3 as backend create an s3 bucket create a keypair using a public key from GitHub Secret AMI lookup create VPC create a subnet create a network interface create EC2 instance 3....

January 16, 2024 · 12 min · Nhat Vo

Avoid Phishing and Malicious Emails in 2024

1. Verify sender’s email address The sender’s origin contains 2 parts: The display name and Nhat Vo <> Display name: Nhat Vo Email address: The display name can be forged while email address cannot. This is an example of phishing emails: Nhat Vo <> Display name: Nhat Vo Email address: 2. Don’t Trust Unsolicited Emails Be cautious of unexpected emails, especially those requesting personal information or urging you to click on links....

January 16, 2024 · 1 min · Nhat Vo

Using Github Action to generate AWS Credential Report

I. Introduction This project is inspired by one of my dear friend. Instead of using the AWS Console to generate a credential report, we would set up a runner on GitHub Actions to automate this task. It’s a very cool experiment, and I hope that by the end, I can apply and scale this concept into a part of a bigger project down the road. II. Our Game-plan We will leverage Github Action to execute a set of commands to generate AWS Credential Report, download it, decode, pipe the content into csv file and finally copy to a existing S3 bucket....

January 15, 2024 · 7 min

About Me

Hi, my name is Nhat Vo. I’m an IT Officer and off-seasoned Software Dev with a keen interest in cloud technology (especially AWS). This blog will be my jounal where I would write about my personal cloud projects and anything IT related. When I’m away from the keyboard, I like to tinker with my car and travel with my favorite people. Thank you for visiting! NV

January 8, 2024 · 1 min · Nhat Vo


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